Creator FAQ
Q: Do I need to provide audio?
A: No. Your Voice Drop profile does not need to include audio, however you need to upload audio in order to activate followership and to notify fans when you have news. Plus, audio messages are a much more engaging experience for fans, and more likely to see positive responses and actions taken.
Q: How do I hear what fans will hear?
A: The best thing to do is to try it yourself using an Amazon Echo or Google/Nest Home device. Start by activating Voice Drop, using this link for Alexa, or by saying ‘Hey Google, activate Voice Drop’, on a Google/Nest Home device. Say the name of your creator, and you’ll hear what your fans will hear. If you get into difficulty, try speaking more slowly. If that still doesn’t work, email us
Q: What is a ‘follower’?
A: A follower is someone who has opted in to receive notifications from your creator account, whenever you have a new update. Followers will receive an email, and potentially other kinds of notification. You should think carefully about how and when to post news and to notify your followers.
Q: What Music Services do you support?
A: We support all of the services available on a user’s smart device. Most users set a default service on their device(s) and we drive to that unless you want to drive to a specific service, which you can do in the message you post.
Q: Can I put music in my drop?
A: Yes. But a major goal of Voice Drop is to drive listening on the existing music streaming services. Voice Drop is designed to drive users to listen to the music you want to promote on the service the user has associated with their smart device so that you, the creator, are driving streaming revenue for yourself.
Q: Can I sell stuff?
A: Yes. We want you to make money using Voice Drop, which is why we encourage creators to promote their Music, Tickets and Merchandise on the platform. Voice is still a young medium, so connecting the dots directly to commerce sites is still a developing art, but we believe firmly that commerce will continue to move into the voice realm over the coming weeks, months, and years, so it’s best to get started building an addressable audience in voice through Voice Drop.
Q: Who owns my data?
A: You do, subject to Voxally’s requirements to abide by the terms and conditions of the voice platforms it operates on. We will not sell or rent your voice or your data to third parties without you explicit consent.
Q: Can I download my follower list?
A: No. But you can address your audience directly on the platform and nobody else has this access.
Q: How do people know the info is coming from me?
A: The best way to do that is to record a message yourself. But Voxally and Voice Drop are committed to maintaining the authenticity of its creators and the platform.